Speed of a DC motor varies proportional to the input voltage. The DC Motor is an attractive piece of equipment in many industrial applications requiring variable speed and load characteristics due to its ease of controllability. General Terms Your general terms must be any term which can be used for general classification of the submitted material such as Pattern Recognition, Security, Algorithms et. Using object distance data measured by sensor PID controller will control the speed of the DC motor within set point limits. Arduino Uno board plays the role of low cost data acquisition board. DC Motor will be interfaced with Simulink using an Arduino Uno board. In this we are presenting method of automatic tuning of PID controller to control of speed of DC motor using Arduino microcontroller. The aim of the paper is to control robotic vehicle speed by controlling Motor speed using PID with reference to obstacles that will faced by vehicle. Different types of tuning rules have proposed which can fine tune the system to get desired response. Popularity of the PID controllers are due to their wide range of operating conditions and functional simplicity. PID controllers are most popular and most often used controllers in Industry.